93,000 companies have benefited, so far, from financing through the IMM Invest program, starting on June 1, 2020, Dumitru Nancu, the general director of the National Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs (FNGCIMM), declared during a conference on Tuesday."The amount that he (IMM Invest, ed. n.) infused into the economy amounts to 12 billion euros. I don't think that there has been such an infusion of capital in the economy, in the post-December period, and the degree default, i.e. non-performing loans, is sub-unitary. We are talking about over 90,000 loans. Some of them have reached maturity, those granted in 2020 on working capital, and at the moment the execution rate at the National Guarantee Fund is 0.56%. This execution is done from the venture capital fund," said Dumitru Nancu, at the Financial-Banking Market conference, organized by the Bursa newspaper.He expressed his hope that, until June 30, while the state aid scheme is valid, 100,000 beneficiaries will be reached."The risk fund collected 1.5 billion RON, from which non-performing loans worth 70 million RON were paid. It is a self-financing program and has a multiplication rate of 1 to 12. The last edition of the SME Invest program started in 30 April, with a budget of 8 billion RON. The request of the 18 financial institutions was 24 billion RON. The European Commission approved this state aid for only six member states, including Romania, for the companies that are affected by Russia's aggression against Ukraine. We hope to exhaust this ceiling of 8 billion RON by the end of May," said Dumitru Nancu.