Industrial production fell by 5.7% in the EU and by 6.7% in the euro area in January compared to the same period in 2023, with Romania among the member countries with the most severe decline, data published Wednesday by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) show. The drop of industrial production in the EU was determined by a decline of 10.1% of production of capital goods, of 8.1% of the production of durable goods, 3.3% of production of intermediary goods and 1.3% of production of immediate use goods. The energy production has increased by 0.6%. Among the EU member states for which data are available, the most significant decline in January, compared to the similar period of 2023 was Ireland (minus 34.1%), Estonia (minus 8.6%), Bulgaria (minus 7.6%), Malta (minus 5.6%), Germany (minus 5.4%), Latvia (minus 5%), Hungary and the Netherlands (both with minus 4.2%), Luxembourg and Romania (both with minus 4%) and the most important growth was in Slovenia (12.2%),Greece (10.5%) and Denmark (5.3%). In January, compared to the previous month, the industrial production dropped by 2.1% in the EU and by 3.2% in the euro zone, after an advance of 1.6% in the EU and in the euro zone in December. The drop in EU industrial production was determined by decline of 12.8% of the production of capital goods, 0.5% of production of immediate use goods and 0.1% of production of durable use goods while it increased by 2.9% the production of intermediate use goods and by 0.6% energy production. Among the EU member states for which the data are available, the most severed decline in January, as compared to the previous month, registered in Ireland (minus 29%), Malta (minus 9.45%) and Estonia (minus 6.6%) and the most significant advance in Poland (13.3%), Slovenia (10.6%) and Lithuania (7.2%). Romania reported a decline of 3.4% in January, after an advace of 1.6% in December. The data published by the National Institute for Statistics (INS) show that in Romania the industrial production was reduced in January, as gross series, by 4% against the same month of the previous year, and against the previous month, the industrial production (gross series) has increased in January by 1.1%. Industrial production fell in January on a gross basis as a result of declines in mining and quarrying (-7.5%), manufacturing (-4%) and production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (-2.4%). As a working-day and seasonally adjusted series, industrial production was 3.9% lower, due to decreases in mining and quarrying (-7.4%), manufacturing (-4%) and production and supply of electricity, gas, hot water and air conditioning (-2.4%). Against the previous month, the industrial production (gross series) has increased in January due to the advance of manufacturing industry (+2.1%) and production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioned (+0.9%). In exchange, the extracting industry dropped by 10.3%. The industrial production, adjusted series depending on the number of working days and seasonally adjusted ones was smaller than the previous month by 3.4%, as a result of the drops registered in the three industrial sectors: manufacturing industry (-3.5%), extracting industry (-2.1%) and production and electricity and thermal energy supply, gas, hot water and air conditioned (-0.3%).