The presidential elections in Russia were "neither fair, nor democratic, nor free", Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu said on Monday before attending the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels."There is no need to comment on the results of the presidential elections in Russia. We all know that these elections were neither fair, nor democratic, nor free. Romania condemns the organisation of the presidential elections in Russia in the illegally annexed territories of Ukraine, but also in the regions of the Republic of Moldova - Transnistria or in Georgia - South Ossetia or Abkhazia, which were held in violation of international law," said minister Odobescu.She also condemned the recent Russian attacks on Ukraine and spoke of the need to support the neighbouring country."The very important and urgent matter is EU military support and I welcome the adoption of the support fund for Ukraine. It is an important step forward in terms of providing Ukraine with much needed ammunition and military equipment," the Romanian minister said.She added that Romania supports the adoption of a new package of sanctions, the fourteenth, against Russia."It is very important to limit Russia's ability to attack Ukraine. Romania also supports the adoption of new sanctions against Russia in the field of human rights," added Luminita Odobescu.