Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as large enterprises have until May 8 to apply for grants under the ConstructPLUS programme for establishing and/or developing production facilities for construction materials, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) reported on Monday in a social media post."MEAT is opening registrations with the #ConstructPLUS programme! More specifically, starting today and throughout Wednesday, May 8, SMEs and large enterprises will be able to apply for grants in order to establish and/or develop production facilities for construction materials (...) When processing the applications for financing agreements and the documentation attached to them, financial statements for the years 2020 - 2022 will be taken into account. The obligation to disclose financial statements does not apply to newly financed enterprises, as defined in Article 3 (19) of OUG 68/2023. The applications for financing agreements, accompanied by the supporting documents, will be submitted the applicants to the MEAT Registry, with the following mention being required on the envelope: Directorate of Industrial Policies and Financing for Industry - O.U.G. nr. 68/2023."Grants under the programme are capped at RON 50 million euros, not exceeding 75% of the total eligible costs of the investment project or the intensity provided in the regional aid map authorised by the European Commission and approved at national level under HG 311/2022, as subsequently amended and supplemented.The budget allocated to the ConstructPlus programme for this year is the equivalent in lei (RON) of EUR 149 million.