A higher salary is the maintarget of people who plan to change their jobs soon. The most important aspect for them is the possibility to work from home, according to data of an opinion poll made by a recruiting website. According to this opinion poll, 47% of people who participated say that, at present, they have been looking for a new job, but 40.6% declare that, although chainging jobs was not a priority, they are willing to apply and they would do it if they found something suited for them. Only 12.5% say they are not looking for a job at present. “A higher salary is the main target of those who plan to change their job in the future, that is 78.2% of answers. The next most important thing for them, in the perspective of new jobs, is the possibility to work from home, mentioned by 37.2% of respondents. Other things they are looking for are opportunities to advance in their careers (35.9%), have more extra salary benefits (33.7%), projects motivating them (35.2%) or more job stability (29.9%). More firendly colleagues or a more understanding manager are thenest aspects they woulof like to find on a new job,” the latest opinion poll made by eJobs shows. According to the source quoted, salary increases currently appear in answers of people who participated in the poll. Asked whether they would determine them to relain on the present job, in case they are already willing to leave, 71.8% said about salary increases, 39.2% might reconsider the package of extra salary benefits, 35.3% would preserve their jobs if they had a flexible program, while 23.3% would like longer holidays. For 15.8% present co-workers may have an influencein this respect, while for 11.5% the manager would make the difference. “Besides all these, candidates are very attentive to everything concerning the public image of an employee and for over 60% this is an important factor they are takinginto account before applying for a job. That means they are trying to gather more information about a certain company before applying. They are searching in social media, onlone recruiting platforms, they are trying to talk with friends or people they know they are working for the respective employer. Therefore, 68.7% of respondents say they would apply sooner for a job in a company considered a powerful employer, rther than apply for a company which which does not make efforts in this respect,”said Bogdan Badea, CEO of eJobs.ro, the largest online recruiting platform in Romania. There are cases when,even though a company has a good reputation, candidates would refuse a job. 50.1% say they would not get employed if the salary proposed and the benefit package would be unsatisfactory. 33% would not be sble to overlook a possible lack of compatibility between personal values and the company culture, while 14.6% would refuse a job in a company with powerful brand, but would not offer opportunities for professional development. The poll was made over March-April 2024 on a sample of 1,002 respondents presently employed. Fields with the highest representation were sales, constructions/installations, administrative/logistics, IT/software, food, HOReCa and automobiles. ejobs is a platform for jobs in Romania which checks all announcements and companies. On eJobs one can find announcements with salaries, jobs in all domains and industries, remote jobs in the country and abroad. For recruitors and employers, eJobs offers access to a base of 5 million resumes, as well as many efficient recruiting solutions.