Government on Tuesday approved through a Memorandum the modification of the Agreement concluded with the Republic of Moldova on military cooperation, by adding new provisions according to which the two parties will support each other, on a mutual basis and based on opportunity, in all aspects related to their troops' training and participation in missions and operations within the multinational coalitions under the aegis of the UN, OSCE, NATO and the EU.According to a press release of the Executive, the Memorandum refers to the approval of the negotiation and signing of the Protocol on the modification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on military cooperation, signed in Chisinau, on April 20, 2012, modified through the Protocol signed in Bucharest, on December 1, 2016."Through this Memorandum, the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on military cooperation, in the sense of introducing a provision by which the two parties will support each other, on a mutual basis and based on opportunity, in all aspects having to do with the training and participations in missions and operation of their troops within the multinational missions under the aegis of the UN, OSCE, NATO and the EU, including in terms of logistical support, transport, telephony and internet services, financial support, medical support and evacuation in emergency situations," says he abovementioned source.Moreover, the support and the services will be provided under the same conditions as the ones applicable to the own staff participating in missions and operations outside the two states' territories, shows the gov't's press release.