After 17 years since joining the European Union, Romanians expect to have a united voice that will represent them in Europe, PSD (Social Democratic Party) chair and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated on Saturday, in Bacau, while referring to the decision of PSD and PNL (National Liberal Party) to have a joint list for the European parliamentary elections."Romanians expect, 17 years since accession, to have a united voice to represent them in Europe. That's why we made the decision that the two big parties in Romania should go on a joint list, so that the political signal will be very clear, especially for those in the European Parliament. There, the two parties will have a united voice in addressing the ideals, needs and expectations of the Romanians. (...) The scandals, the blame for things that should have be done and weren't or were done wrong, the lies - after 30 years of local manipulations, made-up enemies that were invisible - are gone," said Marcel Ciolacu.The PSD chair emphasised that Romanians expect an increase in the living standard after this year's elections."Romanians expect us to talk about administrative performance during these elections, about European funds, about investments from local funds supplemented with state budget funds, about co-financing. An increase in the living standard is long awaited, for over 30 years. Romanians are fed up with excuses where we try to explain why we didn't do it, why we couldn't be a team, while not having the mental capacity to overcome electoral fights and small party fights, for we weren't able to understand, in the 30 that local administration is primarily about people and not about politics. Politics is done in the 30 days of the campaign, after which the administration should no longer have political colour," Marcel Ciolacu said.