President Klaus Iohannis had a telephone conversation on Tuesday with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, about the upcoming NATO Summit and security consolidation at the Black Sea."I just had a comprehensive telephone discussion with @ZelenskyyUa, focusing on our continued support for Ukraine, priorities for the upcoming #NATO Summit & consolidation of the overall security in the #BlackSea. Also expressed our commitment to Ukraine #PeaceFormula," Iohannis wrote on his X page. According to,President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said he held a phone call with President of Romania Klaus Iohannis. During the call, the Romanian head of state confirmed his participation in the upcoming Peace Summit. “I spoke with Klaus Iohannis and thanked Romania for its support, including a new military aid package that is currently being prepared. I briefed President Iohannis on the current battlefield situation and Ukraine's key defense needs, specifically various types of air defense systems,” the Ukrainian president posted. During the talk, the parties agreed to accelerate joint work on a bilateral security agreement. “I am grateful to President Iohannis for confirming his attendance at the Peace Summit and efforts to encourage other countries to attend,” Zelensky noted. As reported, the Peace Summit is scheduled to take place in Switzerland on June 15-16. The Office of the President of Ukraine expects a considerable number of countries to be represented at the Peace Summit. This will serve as a significant demonstration of support for Ukraine's sovereignty.