The government approved on Thursday the National strategy for preventing and fighting against antisemitism, xenophobia, radicalization and hate speech for 2024-2027, as well as the action plan needed. They also approved the setting up and functioning the Interministerial Committee monitoring and implementing strategym a government press release informs. The strategy was elaborated by a special committee set up in this respect, made of ministries, agencies, and civil society. The action plan of the strategy has in view to stimulate measures fighting those phenomena, also having in view the the risk of translating in Romanian society the negative tendencies recorded at international and European levels, both in the physical and virtual areas. This strategy represents the continuation of the exercise begun with the implementation of the previous one (2021-2023) and takes into account the results obtaine and lessons learned.” The strategy includes four general targets, 14 specific targets and 63 actions. The general targets are: preventing and fighting antisemitism, xenophobia, radicalization and hate speeches; promoting education for inclusion; encouraging the knowledge of Jewish culture; supporting efforts of fighting antisemitism, xenophobia, radicalization and hate speech at international level. Measures included in the action plan have in view both public administration staff and society in general, including potential victims and covers domains like: fighting extremism in sports, shaping the teaching staff and public administration personnel; facilitating the report of incidents and the victims' access to specialized support; encouraging knowing the Jews' contribution to developing Romanian society. “Adopting the Strategy sets up premises for Romania to become, by 2027 a state where such events should have a reduced echo in society and, at the same time, to be a significant actor in the international fight against antisemitism, xenophobia, radicalization and hate speech,”the government says.