A Romanian citizen has been remanded in custody, accused by Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) prosecutors of the crime of treason, after sending to the Russian Embassy in Bucharest images of Romanian or NATO military facilities located near Tulcea, as well as images of a military convoy travelling to Ukraine."From the evidence administered in the case it resulted that, since 2022, he has proceeded to monitor Romanian or NATO military facilites located near Tulcea, collecting military information and taking photographs of military combat equipment and the movement of personnel in the border area with Ukraine, which he transmitted to diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Bucharest. As a result of the house searches, several means of evidence were identified and seized," DIICOT announced in a press release.Prosecutors referred the case to the Bucharest Court of Appeal, which ordered the defendant's remand in custody for a period of 30 days.The judicial activities were carried out together with judicial police officers from the DIICOT - the Central Structure and the Directorate for Combating Organised Crime and subordinate structures.The action benefited from the support of the Romanian Intelligence Service, the General Directorate of Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of National Defence and gendarmes of the 'Vlad Tepes' Special Intelligence Brigade.Specialist support was provided by the Technical and Forensic Service of DIICOT and the Special Operations Directorate of the Inspectorate General of the Romanian Police (IGPR).