The public pension system ended last year with a deficit of more than 2 billion RON, while revenues amounted to 109.8 billion RON and expenses to 111.9 billion RON, according to a draft law published by the Ministry of Finance.Revenues of the system for workplace accidents and occupational diseases amounted to 221.1 million RON.Thus, the total revenues of the state social insurance budget collected in 2023 amount to 110 billion RON and the total expenditure to 112 billion RON, resulting in a deficit amounting to 1.99 billion RON, according to the draft law for the approval of the annual general account of execution of the state social insurance budget for 2023 and the annual general account of execution of the unemployment insurance budget for 2023.The total revenue of the state social insurance budget collected in 2023 increased by 11.8% compared to 2022 (97.9% compared to the final budget provisions).The insurance contributions last year amounted to 98.39 billion RON, 2.23 billion RON below the final budget estimates (89.4% of total revenue collected). They were made up of employers' contributions, amounting to 1 billion RON, 1.3 billion RON below the level of the final budget provisions (1% of total revenue collected), and insured persons' contributions, amounting to 97.31 billion RON, 916.2 million RON below the final budget estimates (88.4% of total revenue collected).As regards the insurance scheme for workplace accidents and occupational diseases, it recorded revenues of 221.1 million RON and expenditure of 151.1 million RON, resulting in a surplus of 70 million RON.The total revenue of the unemployment insurance budget collected in 2023 was almost 3.8 billion RON and the total expenditure was 2.1 billion RON, resulting in a surplus of 1.69 billion RON.