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Premier Energy acquires two additional PV projects in Romania

June 18, 2024

Premier Energy Group, through Alive Renewable Holding Limited, and alongside Motor Oil Renewable Energy Single Member S.A (MORE), have signed the acquisition of two new photovoltaic projects for renewable electricity production in Romania's Buzău county, according to an announcement at the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

These two projects have a combined capacity of 86 MW and an add-on storage...

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Romanian firefighters to assist France in extinguishing forest fires over summer

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Bears on Romania’s Transfăgărășan mountain road to be relocated to sanctuary in Zărnești

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350 jackals to be extracted from Romania’s Danube Delta by next spring

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Romanian president stresses importance of Black Sea for regional security during European Council talks

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Update: Romanian former bishop convicted of sexual abuse after journalistic investigation

Update: The Huși Diocese issued a press release regarding the conviction, noting that it has had “no canonical connection” with Corneliu Onilă since August 2017. "We deeply regret the scandal caused by this case, which is hard to imagine, as well as the unworthy behavior towards innocent...

Romanian former bishop convicted of sexual abuse after journalistic investigation

The former bishop of Huși, Corneliu Bârlădeanu, was sentenced to 8 years in jail for sexual abuse of two students of the theological seminary. The decision is not final, however, and can be appealed. It is the first time in the history of the Orthodox Church in Romania that a bishop is sentenced to prison […]