Romania should improve performance versus targets and objectives of Digital Decade to stimulate competitiveness, resilience, sovereignty and the promotion of European values and climate action, according to a European Commission analysis. The community executive released on Tuesday the second report on the stage of the evolution of the digital decade, offering an overall comprehensive image of the progress made in attempting to reach digital objectives and targets established for 2030 in the policy program concerning the digital decade (DDPP). As for basic digital competences, EC recommends Romania to continue measures to improve and train labor force and to continue improving the quality and relevance of courses and the way of teaching in the field of digital competences. As for 5G coverage, Romania should make additional efforts to back a higher a,bition level for the 5G target, considering the importance for the future competitiveness of EU and Romania based on the present positive tendency. In the field of small company digitization, EC asks Romania to intensify actions to digitize businesses, starting with supplying an overall image of available support mesures and identifying potential shortcomings in satisfying existing needs, as well as by ensuring the good functioning of European centers for digital innovation (EDIH). Moreover, the country should expand support measures for a sector of information and communications technology (TIC) stimulated by expenses in the research-development segment (R&D). Romania should also take into account additional measures to keep specialists in the field of information and communications technology at home, EC recommends.