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NATO75/Romania's priorities at the NATO Summit in Washington and decisions the Alliance is expected to take

August 8, 2024

Reaffirming the strategic importance of the Black Sea for Euro-Atlantic security, ensuring forward defense on the eastern flank and strengthening the allied presence in Romania, as well as supporting a new NATO approach towards Russia, consisting of measures intended to deter the Kremlin's aggressive behavior, are some of the objectives pursued by Romania at NATO's anniversary summit in Washington.The summit marking the 75th anniversary of NATO's establishment starts on Tuesday in Washington, and Romania, which will be represented by President Klaus Iohannis for the last time, has a series of clear objectives on the agenda, which were approved by the Supreme Council for National Defense in mid-June.Reaffirming the solidity of the transatlantic relationship, based on allied unity and solidarity and its essential role for preserving Euro-Atlantic peace and security, emphasizing the long-term consequences of Russia's aggression on Euro-Atlantic security and the European security architecture, while highlighting the need for allied action for countering the negative impact of these consequences are also among Romania's priorities at the upcoming NATO summit.Also, Romania is seeking political and practical support for a substantial assistance package for Ukraine, including through a NATO mission in support of Kyiv, which would offer an as clear as possible Euro-Atlantic perspective to this state.From Romania's point of view, the elements that need to be emphasized are the need to maintain NATO's firm commitment towards the most vulnerable partners, the Republic of Moldova in particular, which should be approached from a unitary security perspective with Ukraine, mentioning Romania's multidimensional and comprehensive support for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, and interest in continuing along this line, depending on the requests of the two states.The NATO Summit in Washington has a triple significance, the first being the landmark anniversary - which is expected to send out a firm message regarding allied solidarity and unity. Secondly, it is intended to convey a firm message regarding the strengthening of support for Ukraine, by pledging a substantial assistance package, which will include the launch of the NATO mission for Ukraine.Thirdly, it is expected to continue reinforcing NATO's defense and deterrence posture, in order to respond to the challenges of the current security environment.The July 9-11 Summit in Washington is expected to make a series of important decisions, including those related to NATO's deterrence and defense posture. More precisely, the allies aim to take decisions that ensure operational efficiency, military mobility and the logistical support needed by the allied forces.Also, the summit will provide the opportunity to advance along the lines of establishing a new NATO approach towards Moscow, which will include measures to curb the aggressive behavior of the Kremlin and to actively challenge its confrontational strategy with the Alliance, amid the united understanding at allied level that through its actions, Russia will continue to represent a long-term threat to NATO.Also on the agenda is the adoption of a substantial package of measures to support Kyiv, including the NATO Security Assistance and Training mission for Ukraine, which will also see structures being deployed to Romania. A NATO financial support mechanism and a declaration or memorandum regarding the security arrangements offered by the allies for Ukraine will be approved.The summit in Washington is expected to adopt a declaration of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the level of heads of state and government, the first of its kind and carrying a special significance, because it is intended to commit the long-term support of the Alliance for Ukraine and to convey a joint message regarding the upward course of the relationship.Last but not least, the Declaration of the Washington Summit will be adopted, which is intended as a concise document that reflects NATO's anniversary moment, presenting the achievements and developments on the major themes on the Alliance's agenda.The declaration will reflect the process of strengthening NATO's deterrence and defense posture, highlighting the importance of ensuring the executability of the Regional Plans, progress in fulfilling the commitment to allocate 2 percent of GDP to defense, strengthening the defense industry, the substantial support package for Ukraine, reflecting the Russian threat and NATO's approach thereto, the challenges generated by China, the progress in strengthening resilience and the response to emerging technologies, the deepening of partnership relations, NATO's attention on strategic interest regions, with the express nomination of the Black Sea region.

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