The government approved the National Strategy in the artificial intelligence area at its meeting on last Thursday, Executive Spokesman Mihai Constantin announced."Romania has a new strategic framework on artificial intelligence that will underpin European funding dedicated to the implementation of next-generation technologies and will undoubtedly have a significant impact in all aspects of our lives, in society and in the economy. The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence has benefited from a public consultation since September 2023, and the proposals of the Romanian Committee for Artificial Intelligence and other organisations have been analysed and are integrated in the final form approved today by Government Decision," Constantin told a press conference at the Victoria Palace.He added that Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitisation Bogdan Ivan will present on Monday, in a press conference, all the information on this strategy."Whether we like it or not, we are keeping up with the times, and these new technologies change the way we interact with each other, with companies, with various levels of authority," emphasised Mihai Constantin.