On Friday, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu had an informal meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orban, the discussions focusing on topics of common interest on the bilateral agenda of the two states, but also support for accession to the Schengen area with the land borders as well.The chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor, also participated in the meeting that took place during a private breakfast. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the talks held on Friday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban were held as part of an "unofficial working breakfast," adding that the main topic discussed was Romania's full accession to the Schengen Area with the land borders as well.The head of the executive made the remarks at the end of the visit, together with Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu, when asked what was the main topic of the discussion with Viktor Orban."It's a normal meeting, he is the prime minister of a neighbouring country and we had a working breakfast, unofficially. Schengen, most importantly, and certain common economic investments in our region, which seems to me to be the right approach. If you concentrate certain investments, both in Hungary and in Romania, electricity has no borders, we need to coordinate certain investments in the respective areas, where we and they are developing certain production capacities. Then we need an improved attention and coordination. In addition, the connections on the southern corridor from Greece, of course, need to be discussed and continued, and next, from Hungary to Austria," said Marcel Ciolacu.He also referred to the Schengen matter, highlighting the Hungarian prime minister's support for Romania."We have tackled all these economic issues and, of course, what is a priority for all of us, not only for the Romanian government, the accession to the Schengen Area. Mr. Orban has said very clearly that he will support us without any conditions, as he has done so far," Ciolacu said.He was also asked how EU leaders will view his meeting with Viktor Orban, given that the head of the government in Budapest recently visited Russia and China."A normal meeting between two neighbouring countries, what are we talking about?," said Ciolacu.As part of his presence in Romania, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban attended to the works of the Summer University in Baile Tusnad, where on Saturday he delivered his traditional speech on the central theme of the event - "On the Straight Road."