In a press statement posted on its website on Tuesday, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation (FRG) announced having asked the International Gymnastic Federation (FIG) for an analysis of the judging error in the women's floor exercise final at the Paris Olympic Games, adding that it has submitted two memoranda to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne for the reinstatement of the rights of Sabrina Voinea, who lost the bronze medal following a scoring challenge by the U.S. delegation ."In a letter to Mr Morinari Watanabe, FIG president, Carmencita Constantin, FRG head, is asking for a detailed analysis and the justification of the grades for Difficulty and Execution awarded to Sabrina Maneca Voinea. Sabrina was penalised a tenth of a point for a hypothetical step out of the floor, which can be proven to have been a judging error. At the same time, the FRG requested that, in the spirit of transparency, the detailed analysis and justification for the 9 gymnasts participating in the floor final be made public, in order to be able to provide an official response to the gymnasts, the gymnastics community in Romania, the governmental and state authorities, the national and international media," the statement reads.At the same time, FRG submitted two memoranda to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). One regards the way in which the challenge of gymnast Jordan Chiles was resolved, after the announcement of the ranking, and the other the way in which the challenges for Sabrina Maneca Voinea and the American gymnast were resolved"Considering the negative impact on Ana Maria Barbosu and Sabrina Maneca Voinea, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation is pursuing to correct the judging mistakes and restore the rights of our athletes," according to FRG.