Aerostar Bacau posted a slight increase in net profit, to 47.36 million RON, after the first half of this year, and a turnover of 292.83 million RON, according to the company's first half report, sent to the Bucharest Stock Exchange on Wednesday."From the turnover of 292,833 thousand RON achieved in the first semester of 2024, the company sold products and services on the domestic market of 52,606 thousand RON, and on the foreign market of 240,227 thousand RON equivalent. Between January 1 and June 30, 2024, the trend was maintained on the rise for the maintenance of civil aircraft as a result of the increase in work requests for the 2 types of aircraft for which Aerostar has authorizations. Regarding the comparative evolution of sales on the outlet markets, Aerostar recorded an upward trend for exports in Europe," the document reads.At the end of the first semester of 2024, Aerostar realized and put into operation investments worth 12.56 million RON.At the end of June, the company had 1,844 employees. The significant shareholders of the company are Iarom S.A. Bucharest (71.5%) and Evergent Investments S.A. Bacau (15.2%).Aerostar manufactures aviation products, repairs and modernizes airplanes, produces and integrates aero and land systems with civil applications or in the field of defense and security.The company, founded in 1953, has been a wholly owned private company since 2000, with shares traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since 1998.