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“Green Corridor” project backed by European Commission

September 17, 2024

The “Green Corridor” project solves many problems concerning energy safety in the area and establishes world records, such as the fact that the length of the underwater cable to be built will be about 1,200 km, said at a press conference, representatives of energy ministries from countries participating in this project backed by EU.   “Today, we are marking a symbolical thing,because this process started in Bucharest and two years later we succeeded in reaching a very important stage. We established the joint venture cmpany, which is very important for the progress of our project (the “Green Corridor”)and, at the same time we signed for a Feasibility Study with the participation of our colleagues. This study is being carried out and we will have results at COP 29 and a few in Baku, where the high level meeting devoted to this Caspian Sea Green Corridor will be held. This green energy project solves many problems and is important for energy security. I appreciate a lot the EU involvement and we hope that this cooperation will continue in the future, since, in fact, now we are dealing with an aspect aswering many requests from many interested parties. I would like to mention the fact that this project was considered at first as a project offering additional energy from the Caspian are towards the European Union, but we have another project on a parallel line in central Asian countries. We are taling about Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and in the future we should consider the interconnection of these corridors, which will probably be part of a single energycorridor cnnecting Asia and Europe. Therefore, we can consider that this project is in fact a Euro-Asian one,” said the energy minister of Azerbaijan, Parviz Shahbazov.   In his turn, first vice-primeminister and minister of economy and sustainable development of Georgia, Levan Davitashvili pointed out that this project can contribute to the EU energy security and is the key to having a competitive energy market.   “The fact that we can be part of this project means a lot. I consider that this meeting was a very productive one. We signed the association contract. Romania, is indeed playing an essential role in implementing and developing this project. I would like to mention the fact that energy security is very important and this project can contribute to the EU energy security and is the key to having open markets and a competitive energy market. We invest a lot in new projects and we are speaking about hydro-electrivity and solar energy. Together we can be green energy suppliers for EU and we think this will be in fact a long term cooperation between Georgia and EU. It is very important for us, as we are on thepath to integration with EU. This means is it important to exceed these physical challenges. We are the only country on the other side of the Black Sea and we are a candidate willing and trying to be part of the European family,” Davitashvili said.   Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, pointed out the fact that this infrastructure project should be completed as soon as possible. “We appreciate all your efforts to make progress in this project which establishes world records. Hungary has essential projects about energy. Firstly, we are interested in safety for energy supply and then in having greener energy. We consider that we can reach two objectives in a single action. This project ensures green energy both in Romania and EU. Through this project we will beat world records, having in view that the length of the underwater cable will be abtu 1,200 km. A cable which has not been built until now. In order to be able to include green energy from Azerbaijan and Georgia in the national energy mixtures of Romania, and we hope of Hungary, we need the infrastructure project to be completed as soon as possible. We, Hungary, we are glad that, after signing the accord about the setting up of the joint venture, we will do the utmost to accelerate the implementation of the project as soon as possible. Out electric energy distribution operator will take all measures to develop this project,” the Hungarian official said.   On Tuesday, the Energy Ministry organized, at Victoria Palace, a meeting of energy ministers from the states involved in carrying out the “Green Corridor”project, 8th edition, with EC participation.   The event was also attended by Stefanita Munteanu, the president of CNTEE Transelectrica SA, and leaders of the companies Georgian State Electrosystems, AzerEnerji and MVM Electrical Works, the national electric energy transport operators from the other countries.   CNTEE Transelectrica, Georgian State Electrosystems, AzerEnerji and MVM Electrical Works signed documents setting up Green Energy Corridor Power Company, based in Romania, which will implement the “Green Corridor”project, an underwater cable which will connect, via the Black Sea, Romania and Georgia, the connection beeing extended in Hungary and Azerbaijan. The project will have an essential contribution to consolidating national and regional energy security, increasing connectivity in the Black Sea, diversifying supply sources, turning to account the potential of producing renewable energy and increasing the share of renewable energy within the national energy mixture.   The “Green Corridor”project is backed by the European Commission and Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the Brussels forum personally participated in signing the accord at Cotroceni Palace on December 17, 2022. At the same time, the Commission participated in all ministerial and technical meetings.   On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the energy ministers of all four states signed a protocol amending the accord that clarifies the fact that European law and obligations coming from the quality of member states of Romania and Hungary toward the provisions of the accord. Moreover, through the joining of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, the possibility to include a new component in the feasibility study – an optic fiber cable connecting the four countries and the data flows, will be evaluated.   In the next period, solutions of implementing this development will be identified. Last but not least, talks were carried out about the possibility of including Bulgaria in the feasibility study and infrastructure project, the Energy Ministry mentions in a press release.

The text of this article has been partially taken from the publication:
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