The gold gram rose on Friday by 2.3241 lei (0.63%) reaching a quotation of 373.3536 lei, from 371,0295 lei, as announced on Thursday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) once again registering a record value. The national currency depreciated, on Friday in relation to the euro, which was calculated by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) at 4,9745 lei, up by 0,01 money compared to the previous quotation of 4,9744 lei. The Romanian leu lost ground to the American dollar, which was calculated at 4,4568 lei, up by 0.64 bani (0.14%) as compared to Thursday when it was 4,4504 lei. In exchange, the Romanian currency appreciated against the Swiss Franc, calculated by BNR at 5,2532 lei, dropping by 0.93 bani (-0.18%) against 5.2625 lei, the previous quotation.