The Ministry of National Defence (MApN) reports new disinformation online, especially on the TikTok platform, targeting Romania's borders and port infrastructure."The first of the two identified posts falsely accredits the idea that Romania's borders will be closed and secured with military troops, and the second one presents, also without any connection with reality, military techniques, which was not in the possession of the Romanian Army, as being concentrated in the port of Constanta - the location of the video having no connection with this port, this being "proof", the authors of the disinformation claim, of some war preparations," MApN informed on Sunday.The cited source emphasizes that all the information is false."We reiterate the fact that these gross forms of manipulation and mystification of the truth are obviously part of the pattern of disinformation campaigns supported lately by state actors with an agenda contrary to Romania's sovereignty and against NATO, with the aim of maintaining a state of uncertainty and inducing panic among public opinion. The communication structures of the Ministry of National Defence will continue to report cases of disinformation of public opinion, as these situations will be identified," MApN further specified.