The implementation period of projects under the "Casa Verde Photovoltaice 2023" programme [Photovoltaic Greenhouses 2023 - editors note] will be extended, the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MMAP) informs on Tuesday."The minister of environment, waters and forests, Mircea Fechet, signed today the draft amendment to the Financing Guide for the Casa Verde Photovoltaice 2023 programme, in order to support the citizens who benefit from this programme. The draft extends the implementation period of projects started in 2023, given the difficulties encountered by beneficiaries in obtaining connection certificates. These delays are mainly caused by the long period required for the issuance of certificates by energy distributors and the delayed delivery of two-way metres, which, in some cases, can take several months," the institution notes in a press release.According to the same source, the Order covers two situations."The first of them refers to those who have installed their photovoltaic panels, were beneficiaries, but who have not yet obtained the connection certificate. There are some energy distributors who are delaying the issuance of this certificate for an inadmissible amount of time and, in the absence of it, we cannot settle the financing, and the company that installed the photovoltaic panels cannot recover its investment. The second category is related to those beneficiaries who came across a "scam" installer, who did not show up to install the panels by the end of December 2024. For those Romanians who had the misfortune to collaborate with such "scams," we have decided that through this order we will grant them another 6 months, during which they can change the installer. We receive a lot of complaints at the ministry and we will ensure that such unserious installers will no longer have access to financing programmes from the AFM, from the Ministry of the Environment, in the future," the relevant minister, Fechet, explained in the press release.Through these changes, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environmental Fund Administration (AFM) aim to remedy the programme blockages and protect the interests of beneficiaries, ensuring the completion of projects under optimal conditions.Thus, the proposed changes include: extending the project implementation period to 18 months for beneficiaries who provide proof of requesting the connection certificate within the initial 12-month period; making the conditions regarding installers more flexible, by allowing the installer to be changed for the second time, after project approval; extending the implementation period to 6 months for beneficiaries who selected another installer after project approval.