The government debt rose in November 2024 to 936.995 billion lei , from 931.186 billion lei the previous month, according to data released by the Finance Ministry. As GDP percentage, the government debt grew to 54.3% frm 54% in October (according to INS press release of December 6, 2024). In November 2024, the average and long term debt dropped to 866.272 billion lei, from 869.216 billion lei in October, while the short term debt grew to 70.723 billion lei, from 61.97 billion lei the previous month. The largest part of that debt, that is 772.92 billion lei represented state bonds. Loans amounted to 143.423 billion lei. The debt in lei amounted to 446.828 billion lei, the one in euro was 391.016 billion lei, while the debt in US dollars was 96.938 billion lei. The central public administration debt was in November 2024, 914.053 billion lei, on the rise from 908.315 billion lei on the average and long term. Most of the central administration debt was contracted in lei (428.861 billion lei) and euro (386.041 billion lei). The local public administration debt was 22.94 billion lei, from 22.87 billion lei, the previous month, of which 22.89 billion lei on average and long term. At the same time, the domestic debt of the public administration was 463.77 billion lei in November 2024 (455.713 billion lei in October), that is 26.9% of GDP (26.4% of GDP in October 2024), of which 445.906 billion lei the debt of central public administration and 17.864 billion lei the local public administration. According to Finance Ministry data, the foreign debt of he public administration was 473.225 billion lei (475.473 billion lei the previous month), that is 27.4% of GDP (27.6% of GDP the previous month), of which 468.147 billion lei was the central public administration debt and 5.078 billion lei the foreign debt of the local public administration.