The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NEXT Romania - Republic of Moldova 2021-2027 Program approved this week the standard projects that will receive financing, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration said in a release, noting that the main purpose of the meeting was to analyze the assessment report for the projects submitted under the call for standard projects of the Ministry's Managing Authority, and to approve the list of selected projects, respectively the financing granted.The selected projects target areas such as: climate change adjustment, biodiversity, education, health care, culture and border management. In order to optimize the program's implementation, which has a total budget of 107 million euros (of which 97.27 million in EU funding), the Monitoring Committee approved the financing of all projects, including those on the reserve list, given their good scores. This approach allows the contracting in the immediate following period of approximately 80% of the program funds, the release states.The Monitoring Committee also approved the redirecting of funds within the priorities, so as to allow for the best possible absorption under the Program, as well as the allocations for the next call for low-value projects.Participating in the meeting were representatives of central, local and regional public authorities within the scope of the program, representatives of the national authorities of the two states and of the European Commission.The Interreg NEXT Romania - Republic of Moldova program is one of the cross-border cooperation programs financed by the European Union with a budget of 97 million euros. The program covers the border area between Romania and the Republic of Moldova and envisages development initiatives on both sides of the border and strengthening cross-border cooperation. The activity sectors targeted by this program are: health care, education, tourism and culture, climate change adjustment and border management, the cited source said. The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration is the Managing Authority for this cooperation program. (Photo: