The collaboration between Romania and Kazakhstan could be expanded, in the future, also in the nuclear field, high Kazakh officials said during a visit to the Romanian Ministry of Energy.According to a press release of the Ministry of Energy, the deputy minister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Roman Vassilenko, accompanied by the ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Romania, Ali Yerlik, and the operations director of KMG International, met on Monday with the secretary of state in the Ministry of Energy, Pavel-Casian Nitulescu."During the meeting, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan expressed his interest in developing, together with Romania, projects in the energy field and in increasing cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Secretary of state Pavel-Casian Nitulescu expressed his full openness in facilitating the establishment of a collaborative relationship between Romanian and Kazakh companies and made a presentation of the most important projects that Romania has underway in the energy field. The meeting represented a good opportunity for the two countries to develop their economic and commercial relations, with both parties expressing their intention for the Romanian-Kazakh partnership to be mutually advantageous. The Kazakh side wishes, in the future, to expand collaboration with the Romanian side in the nuclear field as well," the press release states.According to the same source, on this occasion it was established that the joint meeting of the Romanian-Kazakh working group would take place in Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the second half of April.