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Romania gets positive opinion from the OECD on corporate governance

March 25, 2025

Romania has received a positive opinion from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) regarding corporate governance, said Corina Cretu, interim president of the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Enterprises Performance (AMEPIP), on Saturday."In the three months since I have been acting as interim president of AMEPIP, I have managed, together with the team from the Government and the institution, to fulfill all the requirements of the European Commission regarding the operational functioning of the institution: publishing the minimum performance indicators for state-owned enterprises; collecting all points of view, drafting the text that was adopted by Government Decision on the Property Law, which will be debated in Parliament; adopting and publishing the procedure for controlling and applying sanctions for enterprises that do not fulfill their minimum obligations regarding profit or indicators or selection procedures for the Board of Directors," Corina Cretu wrote on Facebook.She mentioned that she has also resolved all the emergencies, including all the final reports of the companies belonging to the almost 1,400 local authorities."The OECD assessment is positive regarding our work on corporate governance, and this, as I said, was announced on Thursday in Paris, mentioned in the OECD Assessment Report," Cretu mentioned.Corina Cretu said she was certain that regarding the selection process of the new management, organized by an independent commission, the Government will make a rigorous analysis and will decide in the coming days how to proceed.

The text of this article has been partially taken from the publication:
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