The chair of the Authority for Financial Supervision Misu Negritoiu was chosen for a two and a half year mandate as a member of the Board of the European Authority for Insurances and Occupational Pensions (EIOPA) according to a press release of ASF. The institution says that the decision was taken during the reunion in Frankfurt of 2 December 2015 of the Council of EIOPA supervisors (Board of Supervisors) the decision-taking forum of the Authority. Romania is represented for the first time at this level in the European authority for regulation, as well as ESMA (The European Authority for Markets and Securities) and EIOPA. ‘I am convinced that we could contribute significantly to the improvement of the European regulation framework, especially through the exercises which we developed for the first time on the regulated markets of Romania’ Misu Negritoiu said. The EIOPA board is made up of the chairman of the Authority and six members ( representatives of the supervision authorities in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Romania and Slovakia) out of the 28 members of the Council of Supervisors EIOPA. The Board of EIOPA proposes, for adoption, to the council of supervisors the annual and multi-annual working programme of EIOPA and approves and sends to the council of supervisors for adoption the estimate for income and expenditure for the following financial year. The European Authority for Insurance and Occupational Pensions is part of the European System for Financial Supervision and is an independent body with consultative role of the European Parliament, the council of the European Union and the European Commission. The main objectives of EIOPA are the promotion of the stability of the financial system, of the transparency of markets and financial products, as well as the protection of the owners of insurance policies, of the members of pensions schemes and their beneficiaries.