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A HotNews.ro Exclusive. Valhalla Resources - the mystery investor interested in Romanian company Cupru Min

April 11, 2012

A tender for the privatization of Romanian company Cupru Min has been won officially by Canadian company Roman Copper Inc., but the whole process came to a standstill over the past several days, with Roman Copper saying it was trying to push for a deal despite the Romanian government pulling out of negotiations. But who is behind Roman Copper, about which it was only known that investment bank Bayfront Capital Partners was among its founders? According to HotNews.ro sources, Roman Copper covers another Canadian company founded by a US citizen and a Canadian citizen living in Romania since the nineties.

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EC earmarks EUR 21.6 mln for Romanian farmers hit by floods

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Fiscal Council projects Romania’s budget deficit at 8% of GDP this year

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Romania rises public deficit target to 6.9% of GDP under "positive" but risky revision 

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Romanian United Foundation to offer Romanian-language courses in five more communities in US, Canada

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