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Protest outside Russian embassy in Bucharest: “We are offended. Let’s return their baksheesh”

September 27, 2016

A protest was scheduled to take place outside the Russian embassy in Bucharest on Tuesday afternoon after the mobilization for it was made on Facebook. The participants were outraged by the Russian ambassador’s gesture to donate 100 Euros for Brancusi’s “Wisdom of the Earth” sculpture. “The ambassador proudly announced he has donated 100 Euros for […]

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Cocoa: a deceptive fall in prices?

After reaching an all-time high in April (USD 10,000/ton), a far cry from the highs of 2009 and 2011 (USD 3,700/t), cocoa prices fell back to USD 7,000/t once the Easter celebrations were over. However, they remain three times higher than a year ago, and are set to stay there. The rise in cocoa bean […]

Some of the world's leading researchers, experts, and writers will provide the Learning Tapestry

The Learning Tapestry. The Future of Education Conference, which will take place on 5 and 6 June in Bucharest is a learning opportunity for entrepreneurs and leaders who understand the importance of developing essential skills today, in today's fast-paced and highly dynamic environment, such as systems thinking, adopting an empathetic leadership style, building and developing […]

Romanian film review – Este Film Festival, American Independent Film Festival & French classics

If you are in Sibiu until Sunday, drop by at ESTE FILM Festival, celebrating its 8th edition. The competition, featuring Romanian short films, is accompanied by a special programme dedicated to Mexican cinema, more precisely Mexico City, and what must be the loveliest mix of recent films, with Bas Devos’ tender Here (easily my favourite […]

Romania’s 2024 elections: PSD attracted most mayors changing parties, report shows

The Social Democrat Party (PSD), part of the governing coalition with the National Liberal Party (PNL), has attracted most of the mayors that decided to change parties before this year’s local elections, a report by think-tank Expert Forum shows. The PSD attracted 279 candidates, most of them from PNL (174) and the People's Movement Party […]

Romanian actor Ioachim Ciobanu starring in Netflix series “Eric” alongside Benedict Cumberbatch

Romanian actor Ioachim Ciobanu stars in the newly released Netflix miniseries "Eric," with Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role. The show premiered on May 30. Ioachim studied computer arts in San Francisco and then film editing at UNATC "I.L. Caragiale," directing numerous short films and commercials. Since 2013, he has dedicated himself exclusively to acting, […]

AfterLand: Romanian and international artists in Bucharest exhibition at crossroads of disciplines

AfterLand, an exhibition opening on June 4 at Rezidenta9 in Bucharest, brings together works by an international group of artists working at the intersection between art, science, and nature. Each of them has a particular affinity with water, approaching it from different angles as varied as the symbolic values of the element itself, according to […]