Chairman of PES Activists Romania and former Minister-delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu said on Saturday in Timisoara that Romania is ready to take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and everything is going as planned. “I handed over office with things almost, and even completed to the greatest extent on both the political and the logistic dimension. On political ground, right at the last government meeting I attended, we approved our work plan, our priorities, the strategic document of all the Presidencies and I practically handed over everything organized in this regard, including the talks with Finland and Croatia inside our collaborative trio. As far as logistics are concerned, the locations, the routes, the identity manual, the Presidency logo are all clearly defined,” Negrescu said. He also referred to statements made at various moments by the government and representatives of the ruling parties who have clearly stated that Romania is ready for the upcoming task, and pointed out that on November 6, President Klaus Iohannis himself had said that “Romania is getting ready for a reasonable Presidency.” “At that moment, everyone agreed that we are prepared for this very important period for our country,” Negrescu said. According to him, Romania and the European Commission should work together on attracting European funding. “This must be a priority for us, for the country, and I believe that these European funds are also compatible with the resources we bring from the private sector. We need to find a balanced solution, I think we have to overcome all disputes, put aside personal stakes and focus on what is important for the country. I would really like the colleagues who are in charge of attracting European funds to present these details to public opinion, the hindrances they come against, what needs to be done further, and for us all to come up with constructive solutions. We must not lose this European money and everyone should get involved so that European resources are directed to the country for the potential beneficiaries to access,” Negrescu detailed. He reiterated that he resigned his position as Minister-delegate for European Affairs following in-party consultations. “I was very clear, I considered that in order to carry out my mandate I need to have all the means at disposal to perform best and fulfill this mission the way I had done by then, observing certain professional standards and requirements, and respecting everything that to me signifies common values and European customs and traditions,” the Social Democrat explained. Victor Negrescu and the organization he is heading – PES Activists Romania, launched on Saturday in Timisoara the information campaign “European Democracy”, to an attendance of about three hundred activists from all over the country; the campaign is aimed at preparing the future elections for the European Parliament, informing the citizens about what’s at stake at these polls and getting them involved in everything European decision-making process. “We will discuss what European decision-making process means and on this occasion we will also launch a message of support for Romania’s European track, reiterating once again that the Romanian Left has contributed to our country’s EU integration. In the discussions we will refer to the fact that the Romanian Left created the consensus agreement of Snagov, which paved the way for Romania’s integration with the EU, allowed for the completion of accession negotiations, and that the Romanian Left can further be a constructive force allowing Romania to be even stronger in the EU, while at the same time staying strongly attached to the common values,” concluded Victor Negrescu.
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