Gabriela Firea announced on Monday that she has tendered her resignation as interim president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Bucharest, in protest to the fact that the elections have been blocked for more than two years in this organization. “I have now tendered my resignation as interim president of PSD Bucharest. It is a form of protest to the fact that for two years Mr. Dragnea has blocked the elections in this organization and in a few others in the country, probably so that we are vulnerable and depend on him. (…) Now I realize that it has been a plan and not a very friendly one as far as I am concerned, meant for me to depend on him permanently. (…) We are born alone, we die alone, no one holds our hand,” Gabriela Firea said before the meeting of the National Executive Committee of PSD. According to her, it is non-statutory to learn from the press certain decisions in PSD’s National Executive Committee before there being an official decision. Read also: PSD’s NatExCom convenes with Gov’t reshuffle on the agenda. Firea: I await my sentence
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