- As against the same quarter of 2020, the Gross Domestic Product recorded an increase by 13.0% for the unadjusted series and by 13.6% for the seasonally adjusted series; - In the first semester of 2021, as against the same period of the previous year, the Gross Domestic product increased by 6.5% for the unadjusted series and by 6.2% for the seasonally adjusted series; - The seasonally adjusted series of quarterly Gross Domestic Product did not changed as a result of the revision of the estimates for Q2 2020, as compared to the version published in the Press release no. 212 of August 17, 2021. The Romanian economy was up 1.8 percent in Q2 2021 compared to the previous quarter, with GDP growth at 13 percent YoY as unadjusted series and 13.6 percent as seasonally adjusted series, shows provisional data released on Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).In H1 2021 GDP gained 6.5 percent in unadjusted terms, and 6.2 percent in seasonally adjusted terms from a year earlier.Following the revision of the estimates for the second quarter of 2021, GDP data remained unchanged compared to the flash figures released by the INS on August 17, 2021.