Managers estimate the growth of activity in retail, a relative stability of the number of employees in the manufacturing industry, constructions and services and growth of the prices in the manufacturing industry, constructions and retail, show the data published on Friday by the National Institute for Statistics (INS). ‘During the conjuncture investigation of August2021, the managers in the manufacturing industry estimate for the next three months, moderate growth of the volume of production (season balance +6%).For the activity of fabrication of electrical equipment the biggest increase is estimated (season balance +20%), followed by the activities of pharma and pharma products (season balance _16%). When referring to the number of employees it is estimated a relative stability, the season balance being _1% on the whole manufacturing industry’ the INS data say. For the prices of industrial products it is estimated growth over the next three months (season balance +22%). According to the estimates of August 2021, the activity of constructions will have a moderate growth of the volume of production over the next three months (season balance +11%). The managers estimate a relative stability of the number of employees (season balance +3%). As regards the prices of construction works it is estimated growth (season balance +38%). In the sector retail, the managers estimated for the next three months, a trend of growth of the economic activity (season balance +17%). The volume of orders for suppliers made by the commercial units will have a moderate growth (season balance +15%). The employers estimate for the next three months a moderate growth of the number of employees (season balance +13%). The managers of the commercial units estimate the growth of selling prices (season balance +32%). According to the estimates of August 2021, the demand for services (turnover) will have a moderate growth over the next three months (season balance +1- %). In the services sector it is estimated the relative stability of the number of employees (season balance +4%). According to the opinion of the managers, the selling or billing points of the services will have the trend to increase moderately (season balance +9%).