President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen will come to Bucharest on September 27, which means that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is approved for Romania, Prime Minister Florin Citu stated on Friday."Ms. Ursula von der Leyen announced her program and will come to Romania on September 27, which means that the PNRR is approved for Romania, as I said. And the other good news, from the 48 billion euros, of all the programs for resilient development in Europe, 9.7 billion euros are for Transport in Romania. Thus, (...) a significant amount is allocated to Romania for transport and PNRR is actually approved, Ms. Ursula von der Leyen is coming to sign on September 27. As you know, until 25 [September] she is in the United States. Any other rumors that existed on the market ... So, whoever was saying that this PNRR is not going to be approved, it was approved and she is coming on the 27th and it will be very good and we will start to implement this project," said Citu.The prime minister added that, the advance from the PNRR is coming by the end of the year.The head of the Executive participated on Friday evening in the official dinner marking the closing of the events organized in Bucharest on the occasion of the European Year of Rail.