President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday that he has decided to nominate Dacian Ciolos as a candidate for the position of prime minister."Political parties have come up with different approaches, with different proposals, as these parties' representatives have also presented to the public opinion. From all these proposals, I have retained one that I will put into practice, namely I have decided to appoint Mr. Dacian Ciolos as candidate for the position of prime minister," said Iohannis, in a statement held at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace.He stressed that in talks with parliamentary parties and formations, he reiterated the importance of managing the pandemic situation and the rising energy prices, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and winter preparations, "regardless of who governs.""In all the talks we have reiterated the importance of issues that need to be resolved regardless of who governs. It is extremely important to manage the pandemic well. It is very important to manage rising energy prices and to take measures so that the other prices do not increase at an unbearable level for the population. It is very important to benefit from the large amounts that Romania can have through PNNR and not to give up on this opportunity. I also reiterated the importance of the preparations for the winter period and I emphasized that these are the really important issues for Romanians and not the political quarrels between different actors," Iohannis said.The head of state had consultations with parliamentary parties and formations on Monday in order to nominate the candidate for the position of prime minister.