The number of foreign capital start-ups established in Romania increased in the first eight months of 2021 by 44.8%, to 3,612 units, compared to the same period in 2020, according to data centralized by the National Trade Register Office (ONRC).The 3,612 new companies had a paid up share capital of 28.241 million US dollars, more than twice as much as that of the companies registered in January-August 2020, of 13.032 million US dollars.In August, were registered a number of 508 companies with foreign participation in the share capital. Most of the newly registered companies operate in wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair (24.8% of the total), professional, administrative, scientific and technical activities (24.41%) and transport, storage and communications (14.57%).At the end of August 2021, in Romania there were 234,588 companies running on foreign share capital. The value of the subscribed capital was 64.144 billion US dollars.Most foreign capital companies, specifically 50,241 - run on Italian capital (3.909 billion US dollars paid up capital), but the most sizable foreign capital comes from the Dutch companies, respectively 12.687 billion US dollars, in 5,623 companies.