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A Romanian out of two consider that the hospitality industry in Romania partially reflects the Romanian hospitality spirit

December 6, 2021

Half of the Romanians consider that the hospitality and services industry in Romania only partially reflects the Romanian hospitable spirit while 30% think that is does it very little or not at all, while only 18% appreciate that ‘the traditional’ Romanian hospitality is not o nly a myth, show the conclusions of a survey made at national level by the Academy for hospitality ohma by winsedswiss, centre for Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL).In this context over half of the Romanians (54%) stated that the purchase two or three touristic packages per year and 37% purchase one package per year.According to the survey ‘ Hospitality with the Romanians’ 10% of the interviewees appreciate that the Romanian hospitality and the natural resources are the factors which draw tourists in the domestic destinations, 20% consider that the local gastronomy is the key while 14% consider that traditions and culture are the answer.Similarly, according to 29% of the interviewees, the attractiveness of the Romanian touristic destination depends on the image of the country at international level.The most important feature identified by 78% of the interviewees as being defining for hospitality is ‘to be welcoming’, shows the research.Asked if a hospitable attitude is innate or it can be acquired, 56% of the total think that hospitality can be learnt, while 38% consider that hospitality is innate but it could be trained as well.According to the quoted source, the most important criterion for the quality of the services is that regarding the education and the training of the personnel, followed, in order by the professionalism of the workforce, tourism investments and infrastructure.On a scale from one to five, over three quarters (76%) of the interviewees offered grades of three and four to the Romanians regarding hospitality and 68% three and four to the quality of the services in the Romanian tourism where one is weak and five is high quality. At the same time, 88% of the interviewed consider that terms such as cleanliness, courtesy, responsibility, common sense and quality define an excellent hospitality service.As regards the perception of the professions in the industry, the study showed that 63% of the interviewed offer grades of three and four to the profession of chambermaid who, at the same time, gets the maximum grade, five on the part of the highest percentage of all professions, 17% of the interviewed.At the same time, the profession of bar tender has a very favourable image for only 16% of the interviewed, while 72% of those questioned offer grades of three and four. In the case of a waiter, 71% offer grades three and four.As regards the way in which the Romanians choose to share their experience of holidays, Booking.com is the preferred place for 19% of the interviewed, followed by Facebook (14%), Google reviews (11%) and TripAdvisor (5%).Three out of ten Romanians (29%) consider that the attractiveness of the Romanian touristic destination depends on the image of the country at international level, and Greece and Turkey are the countries which 50% of the Romanians evaluate as being models of hospitality, followed by Spain and Switzerland.The national survey regarding the perception of the Romanians on the services and hospitality industry in Romania and the way in which these services reflect, at present, the legendary Romanian hospitable spirit was made online, on a sample of 1,201 people, between September and October 2021. The study was attended by people from the whole country, 75% of the interviewed coming from the urban environment and more than half (51%) being between 18 and 25 years old.The educational Swiss group winsedswiss (World Institute of Service Education) with branches in Switzerland, Romania, Cyprus and Serbia has as objective to create and develop educational programmes, which cover the domain of services, from hospitality, retail to health management, sport and luxury. For this, winsedswiss develops partnerships with some of the most renowned education institutions in the domain.In September 2021, winsedswiss Romania inaugurated in Oradea the first academy in hospitality in our country sub the brand of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL) and during this year they opened the first campus in Poiana Brasov, to launch later in Bucharest the third academy ohma by winsedswiss, supported by one alliance, the network which gathers some of the most renowned brands in the domestic hospitality industry.

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