Romanian gas producers will no longer be taxed based on the reference price of the Vienna gas market, but the Romanian market price will be take into consideration, the Acting Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, declared on Wednesday, during the Focus Energetic conference."We have a complicated winter as a result of market turbulence. I am convinced that we will get through it fine, the stocks are within parameters. There are gas stocks of 2.2 billion cubic meters, coal is also within limits, as well as water reserves from the lakes," Popescu said.According to him, Romgaz production has gone up by 20%, but OMV Petrom reported a drop well below the natural decline limit.According to the financial results, OMV Petrom gas production has gone down by 11% during the first 9 months."Unfortunately, the other large producer had a drop and I am asking for measures to be taken regarding the cause. It cannot drop that much. We understand that there is a natural decline, but the drop should be within limits, and OMV Petrom's production drop is well beyond the natural decline limit, even if we do understand that there are distortions in the market," Popescu continued.He showed that he does not believe it is normal for Romanian producers to pay taxes based on the gas price in Vienna and that he will change this."I talked with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance and we will adjust this, so that the price in Romania to be a reference price, but I want good faith from Romanian producers for stabilizing the production and increasing it," the Government official also said. (Photo: