Romania will help the Republic of Moldova to prepare, put its reforms into practice and improve its economic performance, with a view to becoming an EU member state, on Thursday said, in Brussels, president Klaus Iohannis, ahead of attending the European Council meeting."It is clear that it needs to be worked both sides. The Republic of Moldova must implement the reforms, the state institutions must function in such a way as to correspond to the European expectations, to respect all the European values. In many areas in the Republic of Moldova, when we talk about the economy, it is necessary to create for the first time the conditions of level playing field, as it is called, i.e. a equitable, fair competition and independence of producers and regulators and so on. There are many issues that need to be resolved by Moldova in Moldova. At the same time, there must be a strategic clarity within the Union: we either want or do not want Moldova to become a member state. Romania wants this, I have said it many times, and we can help them, we, Romania, can help them prepare, to put into practice their reforms, to improve their economic performance and we will do all these things," said the president, before attending the European Council meeting.President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday attended the Eastern Partnership Summit.