- In the third quarter of 2021, the employment rate1 for the population aged 20-64 years was 67.6%. - In the third quarter of 2021, the economically active population of Romania was 8227 thousand persons, out of which 7791thousand were employed persons and 436thousand unemployed persons. The employment rate of the working age population (15-64 years) was 62.3% in Q3. 2021, down 0.1 percentage points from the previous quarter, according to data released Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).The employment rate was higher for men (71.2% compared to 53.1% for women) and for people in urban areas (67.2% compared to 56.3% in rural areas).According to INS data, the employment rate of young people (15-24 years old) was 20.6%.On the other hand, the unemployment rate in Q3, 2012 was 5.3%, up 0.2 percentage points from the previous quarter.By gender, the gap between the two unemployment rates was one percentage point (5.7% for men compared to 4.7% for women), and by residential area, 4.5 percentage points (7.9% in rural areas, compared to 3.4% in urban areas).By age groups, the unemployment rate reached the highest level (21.5%) among young people (15-24 years).INS states that, apart from the 7,791,000 employed people, another 837,000 people worked in their own farm, to produce agricultural goods intended exclusively or mostly for self-consumption, these being in one of the following situations: either only a small part of the obtained agricultural production is destined for sale, or the obtained agricultural production is destined exclusively for own consumption and represents a substantial part of the total consumption of the household.The rate of the productive population - calculated for the 15-64 age group was 66.6% in Q3, 2021, and 72% that for the 20-64 age group.