The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs on Tuesday that the alert level for the Republic of Belarus has been raised to 5 out of 9, "Avoid non-essential travel!" from the level 3 out of 9, "Zones or time intervals that may be dangerous."According to an MAE release, the decision was made in the context of the deteriorating security situation in the region, caused by the illegal military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, including through the use of the territory of the Republic of Belarus.The MAE states that, through this approach, Romania is aligning itself with the travel alerts recently issued by most of the EU member states that have diplomatic representation in the Republic of Belarus.Detailed information regarding the new alert can also be found on the website: to the new alert level, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that Romanian citizens avoid non-essential travel to the Republic of Belarus, and that those who are temporarily in this country consider leaving the territory of the Republic of Belarus as soon as possible, by available means of transport (by air on commercial flights still available or by road).At the same time, the MAE instructs the Romanian citizens to completely avoid any movement in the areas near the border of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine.The MAE, through the Romanian Embassy in Minsk, is prepared to provide protection and consular assistance to Romanian citizens on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.Thus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates the request to the Romanian citizens who are in the Republic of Belarus to notify them the coordinates of their presence in the Republic of Belarus through the platform, available both on PC or laptop and on mobile phone, or by contacting by phone Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Belarus: +375291060090 (emergency telephone line).