Romania has registered, over the last ten years 733% more buyers online, seven times over the figures of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria, show the data of a study published recently by a global consultancy company in management, present at local level as well since 2005. According to the data centralized by the Horvath report, during 2000, e-commerce sales in Romania had a growth of 71%, compared to the previous year, as a result of the pandemics, but in 2021 the increase was only 29%.The relaxation of the restrictions and the possibility to buy in person played an important role in this diminution of the growth rate.As regards the growth of the number of buyers, there is a more accelerated evolution in Romania, by comparison to the average of the analysed countries.Thus, between 2010 – 2021, Romania has registered a growth of 733% of the online buyers and the e-commerce sector is mainly concentrated in the urban environment.The Horvath report shows the fact that the discrepancy between urban and rural is very big (23% fewer buyers through e-commerce in the rural environment against the urban one).Horvath is one of the most important independent international companies, in the domain of consultancy in management, present on the market in Romania starting with 2005. The company was set up in Stuttgart, in 1981 and has over one thousand employees and offices open in Germany (Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart), Austria, Romania, Switzerland, Hungary, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.