Loaded/unloaded goods in the ports where maritime ships are operated were in 2021 53.121 million tons, over the last semester of the year recording 13.220 million tons, according to the data centralized by the National Institute for Statistics.Compared to the previous year, there was a growth of 15.6% for the loaded goods and 9.4% for unloaded goods.Containers transport was 657,000 TEU at the level of 2021 and 157,000 TEU in Q4 2021.In inland waterways there were 32.120 million tons, 7.71 million tons for Q4 2021.The ports which had the most intensive activity in the maritime port transport in 2021 were Constanta with a share of 93.9% and Galati with a share of 4.7%. During Q4 2021, the most important shares were registered in Constanta with 92.4% and Galati with 5.7%.The type of transported load was solid bulk load and had 32,044 million tons at the level of 2021 and 8.089 million tons in Q4 2021.In 2021, the most important quantities of loaded and unloaded goods were registered in relation with the following partners: Russia (10.666 million tons), Turkey ( 8.757 million tons). Out of the EU member states Spain (3.122 million tons) and Greece (1.676 million tons) registered the highest volumes of transported goods.As regards Q42021 the most significant shares were owned by Russia (2.549 million tons) and Turkey (2.229 million tons) and out of the EU member states by Spain (843, 000 tons) and Italy (352,000 tons).At the level of 2021 the most significant quantities of loaded goods according to the NST 2007 were agricultural, hunting and forestry products; 70, 3% fish and other fishery products. In terms of discharges, the share was held by coal and lignite, crude oil and natural gas, i.e. 32,8%In Q4 2021 there were loaded large quantities of agricultural produce, hunting and forestry products; fish and fishery products -72.5% and unloaded coal and lignite, oil and natural gas – 32.6%. In Constanta, the most important quantities of loaded goods in 2021 were agricultural, hunting and forestry products; fish and other fishery products -72.1%. In terms of discharges, the share was held by coal and lignite, crude oil and natural gas, i.e. 33, 8%Referring to transport on inland waterways, the ports where were registered the highest volumes of goods (thousands of tons) were: Constanta with a share of 49.3% and Galati with a share of 16.8%, at the level of 2021 and at the level of Q42021 Constanta with share of 43.3% and Galati with 21.3%.The goods recorded in international transport on inland waterways, had as destination or came from EU member states in proportion of 45.4% in 2021 and 42.1% respectively in Q4 2021. Serbia owned the highest share as origin and destination of the goods transported in 2021 with a level of 5.038 million tons and in Q4 2021 with a level of 865,000 tons.Types of goods with the highest quantities in international transport on inland waterways in 2021 were agricultural produce, hunting and forestry products; fish and fishery products – 37.5% and 28.5% in Q4 2021.In national transport on inland waterways there were registered mainly Metal ores, mining products, quarrying, peat, uranium, Thorium, 53,9% in 2021 and 54,4% in Q4 2021