Europe is going through one of the most complicated times since the Second World War, PM Nicolae Ciuca declared on Monday, at the end of the sitting of Government heads of NATO allied states of South-Eastern Europe, hosted by the Prime Minister of Bulgarian Government, Kiril Petkov, in Sofia."Europe is going today through one of the most complicated times since the Second World War, following the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces, and in this context we took part today, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Government of Bulgaria, along with the Prime Ministers of the governments of North Macedonia and Montenegro, to a summit where an entire series of aspects were discussed, looking for solutions to the decisions that were made during the NATO summit of last week, in Brussels, and here, once again we are congratulating the decision of establishing the four battle groups, including one that is in Romania, and one in Bulgaria," Nicolae Ciuca said.He reiterated that NATO member states are "under the umbrella of the largest" military-political alliance, and membership to the European Union offers measures through which citizens can be protected, as well as jobs, investment and the economy."It is very important to highlight that together we looked to assume an entire series of solutions, so that we can prove that our purpose, of Governments of NATO and EU members, is to look for solutions for the citizens, being able, through dialogue, to identify those ways through which we can deal with any challenge, whether we are talking about security challenges, and at this time we can assure citizens that we are under the umbrella of the largest military-political alliance, as well as the entire benefit package of being a EU member country, we have at hand an entire series of measures through which we can protect our citizens, to protect jobs, investment, the economy," the PM said.Nicolae Ciuca mentioned that during the summit there were talks about the ways new energy sources can be identified.