Domestic sales of Dacia car manufacturer's Spring electric model reached 5,000 units, the carmaker announced in release."A Bucharester became the owner of the 5,000th Dacia Spring car sold on the Romanian market. The model painted in Lightning Silver was purchased through the Rabla Plus national fleet renewal program. Ever since its commercial release Dacia Spring has established itself as the undisputed leader on the Romanian electric vehicle market, accounting for almost a quarter of sales in this segment. 85 percent of the buyers of this model have ordered both optional power systems: the 10A cable and the fast charging system for DC terminal," the company states.According to the cited source, at the end of March there were almost 40,000 Dacia Spring vehicles in circulation in Europe. Of these, most were registered in France (over 18,000 units), Italy (6,700) and Germany (5,100).The warranty offered is of three years or 100,000 km for the car and eight years or 120,000 km for the electric battery.