Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Friday that his Bulgarian counterpart, Kiril Petkov, specified that until June 30 the gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece will be finished, from a technical standpoint."Both PM Kiril Petkov, as well as PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis confirmed their shared interest that the gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece to be finished on time. PM Petkov mentioned that until June 30 he has the certainty that this will be finished, from a technical standpoint. A period of testing and verification will follow, and most likely, this fall, we will have gas on this interconnector," Ciuca said, during a joint conference with the Bulgarian counterpart and the European commissioner for Transport, Adina Valean, which took place at Victoria Palace.He specified that this interconnector will have a capacity of approximately 1.5 billion cubic meters."It is important through both quantity, as well as for the possibility of ensuring the traffic of gas from both South-to-North, as well as from North-to-South," Ciuca explained.The Romanian PM said that the interruption of gas supply from Russia is a problem that affects not only Romania and Bulgaria, but other countries in the region and in Europe."A reason why we must subscribe our national actions in the overall measures that EU is about to take. It was already established that on May 5 there will be a regional meeting of the Ministers of Energy. For this reunion there will be ministers that will take part from countries that have the potential to supply with gas, this is about Azerbaijan and Turkey, and we hope that based on the talks that will take place during this regional reunion, conclusions to be reached and decisions in the regional plan, which will also be in the EU's benefit as well. Basically, it is intended to be a pilot project for identifying solutions, where after, based on the results of this reunion, to be able to have a clear set of decisions," Ciuca showed."What we realized is the fact that we have an infrastructure that until now we were not able to use fully, we did not fully optimize it. This is about the pipeline that brought gas through Romania, Bulgaria towards Turkey. Now we can work in reverse and the possibility of buying liquified gas together is a huge opportunity, because the price levels will also be different if we buy together. On top of this, our partners from Azerbaijan are also a possible source for additional gas," Kiril Petkov highlighted.