Romania has tested thermobaric piercing ammunition, a product it is ready to manufacture for the Ministry of National Defense at the Plopeni Mechanical Plant, informs the Ministry of Economy, on its Facebook page."Today, at the Plopeni Mechanical Plant, we participated in the testing of the thermobaric piercing blast for AG-9 grenade launcher, for the homologation of the industrial prototype. This stage is part of the implementation of the manufacturing project, at industrial level, of thermobaric piercing ammunition for AG-9 grenade launcher, through the technological transfer from the Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology, at CN ROMARM SA," said Minister Spataru."A product of strategic importance and with a high market potential was tested at Plopeni, southern Prahova County. At present, thermobaric munitions are made by a small number of world producers, and those from the proposed configuration will be developed within the "thermobaric piercing " project is not currently in mass production or on the export list of the largest arms manufacturers in the world," Spataru added.The thermobaric piercing blast for AG-9 grenade launcher is an ammunition with combined shrapnel and blast effect, with the ability to pierce concrete, brick, earth waves and armored targets.The ammunition was developed in 2019, at the experimental model level, within the Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency within the Ministry of National Defense, as was later on taken over for manufacturing in the defense industry, based on a technology transfer project funded by Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) and Romarm SA.