ANRE announced on Tuesday that over 2021-2022 completed 28 investigation actions in the electricity and natural gas sector and consequently applied fines of 11.19 million lei to 24 participants in the wholesale electricity and natural gas market. As a result of European directives transposed in national law, ANRE set up the Investigation Department, having as object the investigation activity in the wholesale electricity and natural gas market. ANRE is the authority able to carry out investigations in the energy market for the good functioning of the wholesale energy market according to national and European regulations. In 2022, ANRE has ongoing investigations with 18 participants in the wholesale energy market suspected of market manipulation (suppliers, traders) of which 13 in the electricity sector and 5 in the natural gas one. The purpose of ANRE investigations is checking how participants in the wholesale energy market observe provisions of EU Regulation 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and Council of October 25, 2011 on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market.