The officials of the Ministry of Transport and infrastructure have said, at the request of, that 17.694 bridges, bridges, tunnels and railway viaducts are in operation on the railway network. Of these, 765 are included in modernization or repair programs with non-reimbursable funds or from the state budget. 744 are modernized/repaired with non-refundable funds and out these 174 are finalized, 341 are in progress and 229 are included in feasibility studies. Only 21 brdiges are modernized/repaired with state budget money. Out of these, two are finalized and 19 are in progress. The officials in the ministry of transport assure that all bridges are safe. According to the ministry of transport, 744 art works on the railway network were included by the National Company for Railway CFR SA in the programme for modernisation of the infrastructure and railway superstructure on the Corridor Rhine – Danube, north part with financing from non-refundable funds and state budget.