The Romanian and Moldovan government will become part of a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding with Microsoft, meant to advance and speed up digital transformation projects in both countries."The memorandum of understanding formalizes the plans for Romania and Moldova to create and implement a common digital space that will allow the exchange of knowledge, technologies and technical expertise. Microsoft will support these efforts of both governments, helping to modernize their respective technical capabilities and improve operational efficiency in their public and private sectors," informs a press release of the .According to the plan, the parties will collaborate for the development of the national Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sectors in Romania and Moldova, the construction of digital infrastructure, the acceleration of e-government services, the development of cloud-first based legislative policies and the increase of digital skills."Today's event marks one of my main priorities since taking office, that of creating a 'common digital space' between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. We often wish for physical bridges over the Prut. But digital bridges are at least as important, for they will bring the economy of the future, with all its opportunities, to both banks of the Prut. Microsoft represents one of the peaks of the world software industry and I am happy about the openness and involvement found in this collaboration. As I have proven many times, the partnership with the private sector is priority for the activity of the ministry I lead. I am happy to be with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Turcanu, and all our brothers, to build together a common future," said Minister Sebastian Burduja, quoted in the press release.According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Turcanu, the collaboration opens perspectives and opportunities for the digital development of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, being a catalyst for the common digital agenda and an element of sustainability, which also includes the training of high-quality specialists in the institutions of the Republic Moldova.Also, Iurie Turcanu, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Sebastian Ioan Burduja, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization and Mateusz Majewski, Regional Vice-President for Eastern Europe at UiPath signed a Collaboration Agreement for increasing the level of digital skills of the staff in the public administration, as well as for the improvement of the digital infrastructure and digital capabilities of the two states, especially in the context of the exploitation of new technologies.According to the abovementioned source, the general objective of this cooperation is to support government efforts to develop information technology in the public and private sectors in Romania and the Republic of Moldova through improved digital infrastructure, modern policies and digital skills. (Photo: